Updates for 11 — 15 May

Now managers can turn on Auto QPS, and setting up CPA campaigns has become easier - the Budget block has been updated, Standard Bidding is deprecated.

Auto QPS setting for SSP ad inventories and DSP campaigns

Now you can configure the automatic change of QPS. The functionality is available in the Administration block.

When you work with DSP campaigns and SSP ad inventories, you have to deal with a large number of requests that do not bring significant income. To reduce the load on the platform, you should use a dynamic QPS.

The setting allows you to automatically reduce the number of calls to DSPs and processed requests from SSPs that do not bring sufficient profit.

Traffic that comes from the SSPs and is routed to the DSPs is divided into clusters. The Salematics the calculates profitability of 1 million requests from each cluster. Clusters are based on:

  1. ad inventory, country, and UTM Source;
  2. ad inventory and country;
  3. ad inventory;
  4. country.

If the estimated income from 1 million requests in the group is less than $ 0.25, QPS will be limited to 1000 requests per day.

Updates for 11 — 15 May
Auto QPS setting in Administration Block of DSP Campaign

Updated Budget section in campaign settings

The changes affected the CPA strategy. The Standard Bidding was removed. The block Purchasing traffic from SSP was transferred to the Budget.

Other changes have also been made that will simplify the process of setting up CPA campaigns.

Updates for 11 — 15 May
Budget Block of Campaign Settings

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