Updates For 25 — 29 May

Simplification of campaign settings and minimum bids for affiliate programs — updates of the last week of May.

Minimum bid for affiliate programs

Now you can set a minimum bid for an ad to display. Previously, the setting was disabled.

The bid of the CPM, CPC, and RTB campaigns participating in the auction must not be lower than the minimum threshold.

Updates For 25 — 29 May
Minimum bid in the admin panel

Also, the minimum bid is displayed in the estimator for the advertiser’s account. An advertiser cannot bid for an ad below this value.

Updates For 25 — 29 May
Minimum bid in advertiser’s account

Campaign settings update

We have fixed bugs related to layout. Some settings have been moved to other blocks to simplify work with campaigns.

Also, we are working on localization and a detailed description of the platform’s functionality.

Knowledge base

New articles have been added: